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Two videos, from Rabbi Gottlieb

Click HERE to view the first video, as Rabbi Gottlieb introduced himself to City Shul.

Click HERE to view the second video, for the High Holidays.

The Rabbi's message for September


Rabbi's Message

Preparing for Holy Days and Festivals

The High Holy Days (Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur) and the Fall Festivals (Sukkot and Simchat Torah) represent a period of almost one month when many of us are as “Shul-focused” as at any time throughout the year. Even those who do not attend services with any regularity at other times respond to the call of the Shofar and, especially this year when being Jewish seems to be more precarious and more vulnerable, feel compelled to join the community in study and in prayer, in song and in celebration during these Days of Awe and Festivals of Rejoicing.

But the observance of these days is not fulfilled by synagogue attendance alone. Rather, the observance begins at home (or on Erev Rosh Hashanah at the synagogue), with a festive meal prior to the evening service, and the recitation of blessings appropriate for each evening. To help you to fulfill the mitzvot of home observance, you will find the blessings for Erev Rosh Hashanah HERE and for the evening of Kol Nidre HERE. May your household be enriched by your observance, and come to know many blessings and celebrations in the year ahead.

Preparing in advance – Elul and Selichot

The rabbis teach that we must prepare for the High Holy Days through study and prayer, and that this preparation needs to begin well in advance of Rosh Hashanah. The month of Elul, which is the month leading up to Rosh Hashanah, begins on the evening of Tuesday, September 3rd. Traditionally, the shofar is blown at weekday morning services throughout the month of Elul in anticipation of Rosh Hashanah. The sound of the shofar calls us to repentance and awakens within us a spirit of renewal for the year ahead. This is the beginning of our preparation.

And then, one week before Rosh Hashanah, we complete our preparation for the introspection,

repentance, joy and celebration of the High Holy Days with an evening of study, quiet reflection, prayer and song on Saturday, September 28th. I look forward to seeing you there.

New Faces Among Us

There will be many new faces among us, as we worship together over the High Holy Days. Please take a moment and introduce yourself to people you do not know. Many of those you will encounter will be people who are not members of our congregation. Take a moment and welcome them to City Shul, and let them know that they are welcome to join us throughout the year. Think of yourself as an ambassador of City Shul, and help to extend the warmth and fellowship of our community to others.

As the New Year approaches, Ricki and I extend to each of your households our best wishes for a Shana Tova U’metuka—A Good and Sweet New Year. May it be a year in which the desires of heart and spirit find fulfillment, a year of good health and prosperity, a year of wholeness and peace for you and all those you love.

Rabbi Danny Gottlieb

Rabbi Goldstein's Final Service at City Shul - June 15, 2024

Saturday, June 15, 2024 was Rabbi Goldstein's last service as our City Shul Rabbi, as she is now our Rabbi Emerita.

Read the full sermon HERE

Watch the sermon HERE

Blessing for Rabbi Danny Gottlieb, Interim Rabbi at City Shul HERE

The video link to the full service is here - an edited version of the sermon portion will be available in early July. Click HERE to view

Shabbat Services

For our Shabbat service dates and times please click here 

Adult Learning

All Event Info can be found here.

Israel Engagement

All Event Info can be found here.

City Shul School

To learn more about youth and teen learning, click here.

Our Services are live and concurrently live-streamed.

Thu, September 19 2024 16 Elul 5784