Salon Series
In January 2024, Adult Education introduced “Salon Series”. In this series, you can join fellow City Shuler's for original talks to feed your Jewish soul.
Please see below to register for upcoming events, plus some information on past events.
These events are for members only.
Adult Education Salon Series Presents - "Tangled Jewish Life" - Jewish Continuity in Yiddish Poetry
This talk is part of our “Salon Series”, where our talks are hosted in a comfy space, with wine and light snacks to make it a social, fun, smart event.
Yiddish was widely spoken amongst Ashkenazi Jews from the Middle Ages to the twentieth century, and today it is still used by about one million people worldwide. It's famous for its colourful jokes, insults, and idioms, but it has also been used to write literature of all kinds. As a language used almost exclusively by Jews, many poets through the centuries have used Yiddish to write about their connections to Jewish life, past, present, and future.
In this salon, we’ll explore how three poets — Jacob Glatstein, Abraham Sutzkever, and Irena Klepfisz — have expressed their Jewish identities and sense of Jewish continuity through Yiddish-language poetry in the past 100 years. Join us for an evening of poetry and discussion; no knowledge of Yiddish is necessary! English translations of all poems will be provided.
This interactive salon will be led by City Shul member Virginia “Birdie” Shewfelt, a PhD student specializing in German and Yiddish literature at the University of Toronto.
link to Virginia’s profile at the German department website
Click HERE to register.