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High Holidays Service Schedule & FAQ - 2023

We are excited to be back in person for High Holidays 2023!

Services will be held at the following locations - please check the schedule below for the location of each service.

Our home, St. George by the Grange (SGG) - 30 Stephanie Street
Metropolitan United (Met U) - 56 Queen Street East
Palais Royale - 1601 Lake Shore Boulevard West

All locations are accessible by TTC. Click HERE for Information on parking/public transit.

Select an individual service below for additional details.

Are tickets required for services?

There will not be any paper tickets for Rosh Hashanah or Yom Kippur.

For Kol Nidre, a ticket will be required - Tickets will be available to pick up before the Kol Nidre Service begins.

All members and non-member ticket holders will be on a list that will be checked at the door. For security reasons, we cannot let anyone in who is not on our list.

Do I need my own prayer book?

For the High Holidays, we use Gates of Repentance, CCAR PressTo create an inclusive experience, each adult should have a copy of the prayer book, including those who are watching the service on our live stream.

This is the Prayer Book that we use exclusively for High Holiday services, and a pdf of this book is not available. If you have a copy of this book from past City Shul High Holiday services, you do not need to purchase a copy. 

Please note that we do not provide prayer books and there are no loaners or book sales at services.  Please note that this book is "out of print", so we are able to sell you used books in excellent condition at a lower price.

Please bring your book to every High Holiday Service, starting with Selichot on September 9.

Copies of this book can be purchased HERE for $20 each. If you are purchasing tickets for High Holidays you can purchase your prayer books directly on the form.

Your book will be ready for you to pick up when you arrive at your first service. 


Please click HERE to renew your membership. 

New Members

Thank you for joining City Shul! The new member registration form is HERE


Your tickets are good for both in-person or live-stream (those services for which it is available). Please click HERE to purchase your tickets.

All members and ticket holders will be on a list that will be checked at the door. For security reasons, we cannot let anyone in who is not on our list.

Live-Stream Links

All members will receive the live-stream links before the holiday begins.

Rosh Hashanah ticket buyers will receive the live-stream links a few days in advance.

Yom Kippur ticket buyers will receive the live-stream links a few days in advance.

Where and when are services this year?

Legend for locations, as follows:

SGG - St. George by the Grange, 30 Stephanie Street

MU - Metropolitan United - 56 Queen Street East

PR - Palais Royale - 1601 Lakeshore Boulevard West

PH - Private Home - the location will be sent out to all registrants a few days in advance

Friday, Saturday, Sunday - September 15/16/17

Erev Rosh Hashana Dinner (registration has closed)                   6:00 PM, SGG

Erev Rosh Hashanah Service                                                            7:30 PM, SGG

*Rosh Hashanah Day 1                                                                    10:00 AM, MU

Rosh Hashanah Day 2 - Shofarpalooza 5784                                 10:00 AM, PR

Tashlich (on Rosh Hashanah, Day 2)                                            12:00 noon, PR


Saturday, September 23 

** Midrash, Music and Meditation                                                  10:00 AM, PH

Register HERE


Sunday September 24 - Monday September 25 (morning service)

*Kol Nidre (Doors open at 6:00 PM and will close at 6:45 PM)    6:45 PM, MU

*Yom Kippur Morning  including Yizkor                                        10:00 AM, MU

Please note - An admission ticket will be required for the Kol Nidre service. These will be mailed out after Labour Day to all members and non-members who purchase a ticket for the Yom Kippur services. 


Monday September 25 (afternoon/evening service)

Yom Kippur - Healing Service                                                           5:00 PM, SGG

Yom Kippur - Afternoon Yizkor                                                        5:45 PM, SGG

(for those who do not attend the morning Yizkor)   

Yom Kippur - Neilah                                                                           6:15 PM, SGG

Yom Kippur - Shofar Blowing and break-the-fast-snacks      

                                                                                               Approx 7:45 PM, SGG                                          

* These services will be live-streamed

Services - Tots - Kids - Tweens - Teens

Rosh Hashanah Day 1 - Saturday, September 16 - Metropolitan United

Sanctuary Prayground for Tots and parents                           10:00 to 1:00 PM

Tot Room/Quiet Room - families can play and watch the live-streamed service                                                                                            10:00 to 1:00 PM


Services - Tots/Family/Tween/Teen (for Rosh Hashanah Day 1) - Metropolitan United

Tot/Rosh Hashanah Service:                                                    10:30 to 11:10 AM

(note that the live stream will be turned off during this service)

Family Service:                                                                            10:15 to 11:10 AM

Tween Programme:                                                                   11:15 to 11:35 AM

Teen Programme:                                                                 11:40 AM to 12 noon


Rosh Hashanah Day 2 - Shofarpalooza 5783 - Sunday, September 17 - Palais Royale

a Family Craft Table is available during this service             10:00 to 11:00 AM


Kol Nidre - Sunday, September 24 - Metropolitan United

Sanctuary Prayground for Tots and parents                             6:30 to 9:30 PM


Yom Kippur - Monday, September 25 - Metropolitan United

Sanctuary Prayground for Tots and parents                    10:00 AM to 1:00 PM

Tot Room/Quiet Room - families can play and watch the live-streamed service                                                                                          10:15 to 11:45 AM

Yom Kippur Services - Family/Tween/Teen - Monday, September 25 - Metropolitan United

Family Service:                                                                            10:15 to 11:10 AM

Tween Program:                                                                         11:15 to 11:35 AM

Teen Program:                                                                       11:40 AM to 12 noon

City Shul Judaica Give-and-Take

Please click HERE for additional details.

City Shul Food Drive - Kol Nidre & Yom Kippur

Please click HERE for additional details.


What are the COVID protocols this year? 

Please click HERE.


All locations this year are downtown, with parking available, and TTC accessible. All locations are physically accessible. Please click HERE for additional details.

Is there security?

Yes, at all locations and at all services. We ask you to kindly refrain from bringing large backpacks or large bags. All bags will be checked.

Do you require assistance or have any questions about these forms?

Please contact the office HERE or at 437-986-0613

Are children welcome?


Children are welcome to come in and out of the main service as they wish, and there will be a quiet room where the service is live-streamed, so parents and younger children can gather there if they wish.

What should I bring?

We invite everyone to wear a kippa or head covering to help us turn our prayer spaces into a synagogue. If you have, please bring your own kippa and tallis. We do have some available on-site. 

Our annual Yom Kippur Food Drive will be led by our City Shul Teen Group. Click HERE to learn more about this initiative.

For Neilah, we break out small, hand instruments like tambourines and hand-drums at the closing service— bring yours!

We also invite everyone present to join the final blast on Yom Kippur Neilah, if they have a kosher shofar (no plastic please).

What should I wear?

At City Shul, we encourage you to dress to feel festive, and to celebrate being together in person this year.

If you are watching live-stream, we encourage you to “dress for synagogue” and mark your live-stream space as special - and even holy - with a tablecloth, flowers, candlesticks, kiddush cup, etc. 

On Yom Kippur, you will notice many people wearing white, as well as non-leather shoes. This tradition symbolizes our purity and our belief in simplicity. Feel free to do so or not - as you wish. 

How can I be helpful?

Yes, please! We need friendly ushers and greeters to welcome our community into services, and “behind the scenes” to help set up, take down, arrange, and otherwise support. Teens can get volunteer hours!

If you are interested in volunteering, please send an email HERE and we will be in touch!

Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784